Find out what chat is and what types are available. Read academic writings and a schedule of upcoming chats and find chat-related companies.
Contains many sites which will help a chat newbie. Includes chat and nickname etiquette and explanations of Internet Relay Chat and the Undernet.
Discover a list of instant messaging programs, current news, emoticons and lingo, and some pros and cons. Also includes a primer for beginners.
Peruse this introductory guide and find out about chat rooms, programs, servers and IRC. Explore a rated list of web-based chat sites.
Learn the basics of ICQ with Chat v1.5.5 for Macs. Tutorial highlights important features and contains helpful visual aids.
Glance at many resources for video chat users. Includes lists of programs, accessories, ILS server listings and email information groups.
Find out what makes a good chat room and browse a list of the 25 best real-time chats. Also view guides on how to chat and understand smileys.
IRC program for interactive comic-strip chat is free for the downloading. Read about the pros and cons in this review.