Includes detailed manufacturer links, personal notes on experiences with each modem, plus resources such as modem archives.
Model equipping Macintosh G3 computers plugs into the internal communications slot. Consider the pros and cons of installation and cost.
Chart details modem security features, data-compression and modulation standards.
Allows users to test modem speeds by downloading an image, after which throughput charts are displayed. Compare ISDN and 56K.
Consult this resource to learn about modems and related technologies. Find out how they work and how to upgrade them.
Tutorial discusses the basics of modems and how they work.
Gives cost and usage differences five modems, highlighting editor's picks and displaying features. View photos of external models.
Explore the various characteristics of this email software. Includes active phone server, advanced dialer, active logview and a forum.
Scan this directory to find resource guides and articles on these competing high-speed Internet technologies. Defines technical terms.
Choose from a variety of servers to test the performance of Internet speed connectivity for any CPU.
April 1998 review focuses on the merging of x2 and K56Flex modem protocols into the V.64 standard. Covers cable, satellite and ISDN technologies.