Read about collaboration opportunities, products and services, publications, and management practices.
Research at the University of Southern California includes software architecture and collaborative software engineering.
Faculty and students engage in projects in the field of Information Technology. Find links to services and activities in English and Italian.
Research into SE management with intro to papers online and the rest downloadable. Also has software, seminars, and journals.
University of Bournemouth-based team presents a project grid with collaboration, funding and contact details. View a picture of the group.
Collaborates with industry to enhance software process development. Download a presentation requiring an Acrobat plug-in.
Institute on the University of Maryland campus treats software engineering a laboratory science. Find out about projects, members and courses.
Teaching institution in Arizona reegineered the CM process and offers courses for certification. View course schedules and a list of sponsors.
Browse student and faculty profiles and a list of government, academic and commercial links.
Researches software on reuse, reverse engineering, requirement modeling, program visualization, and multimedia.
Research on formal methods, software architecture, reverse engineering and usability engineering. Papers in PostScript.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University provides tools and support for the Master's program in Software Engineering. Submit questions or comments.
Provides real world engineering applications. References, publications and services are presented in German and English.
Partnership developed between NASA, the University of Maryland and Computer Sciences Corporation. Find data, workshops and related sites.
Department in the School of Engineering and Applied Science presents details on current projects and links to related resources.
Lund University in Sweden houses the LUCAS Center for Applied Software Research. Read projects, publications and theses.
Conducts research on integrated system methodologies and model and control systems. Learn about history, research, teaching and events.
Process modeling, object management, language processing, and software architecture. Software and tech reports available.
Engineering firm VSTI specializes in software design, Web, Java, database, and middleware development as well as IT and management consulting.