Reference book that teaches graphical user interfaces with Perl. Includes ordering and a price guide.
Get an overview, terminology list and installation tips for this extension that allows users to create, access and manipulate MetaKit datafiles.
Reference book that describes every Perl/Tk graphical element, including general widget and variable information.
Provides commercial Tcl development tools, extensions, and support and training services, plus open source core technology.
Provides a tool command language profile, includes a list of resources, and presents 10 interactive exercise focusing on language features.
Home for Tcl developers features articles on getting started, downloads to latest releases, news, community highlights, training resources.
Features a list of commands and a description of each for Tcl/Tk users and Tcl/Tk C API users.
Features a downloadable guide for Tcl/Tk 8.0 that is based on a Perl guide. Written by Paul Raines at Stanford University.
Computer aided instruction consists of 43 lessons covering the majority of Tcl commands. Provides download instructions for different systems.
Lengthy guide teaches basic and robust approaches to modelling objects in pure Tcl.
Guide explains how to use both features the namespaces and package features of Tcl together.