Preview cover images and get a brief synopsis for books that document the history of Apple Computers. Includes biographies and related links.
Apple enthusiast provides this long list of links to sites on Apple's history and includes descriptions and ratings.
Find out how to purchase a copy of this book published by No Starch Press and written by Owen W. Linzmayer.
Check out this comprehensive database of facts and info from this resource dedicated to the history of Apple Computer. With info on every MacOS version to date.
History of Apple, from the invention of the Apple I in 1976 to the present. With CEO histories and a catalog of all Apple computers ever built.
Group is dedicated everything classic in the Macintosh tradition and includes a history of the System software, software downloads, and technical help guides.
Article looks at the subtle changes found in successive versions of the Mac OS beginning in 1984. With a comparison to the Windows OS.